How To Prepare Your Vehicle For Transport
Never shipped your vehicle before? This blog post is for you!
Preparing your vehicle for transport can be tough. You don’t want to get in trouble for not following the guidelines. With just a few simple steps, we’ll get your vehicle ready for transport in no time!
Personal Cargo
When preparing your vehicle for transport, keep in mind that your vehicle is not a personal shipping container. Although most drivers allow up to 100 pounds of personal goods in your vehicle during transport, we ask that you keep everything under the window line of your vehicle. Make sure nothing is visible from the outside of your vehicle. This will not only help prevent theft during transport, but we want to keep your items as safe as possible. The more personal items your have in your vehicle during transport, the higher the risk that something will break along the way due to turbulence. While your vehicle does have full insurance coverage during transport. Unfortunately, your personal items are NOT insured.
Vehicle Inspection
Before you release your vehicle to one of our drivers, make sure you do your own inspection of the condition before pick up. We recommend you document any kind of damages that may already exist on your vehicle before transport. Anything from a small scratch to a big ding should be documented. Our drivers will conduct an inspection of their own before loading your vehicle. The driver will have a Bill of Lading for you to sign at the time of pickup and delivery. It doesn’t happen often, but if are any damages present at the time of delivery that were not present at the time of pick up, make sure you document this as well and contact your agent as soon as you can. Plan on washing your vehicle before pick up? Click here for a guide on how to wash your vehicle like the pros!
Vehicle Safety
If you are shipping a vehicle that has been involved in an accident, make sure there are no parts hanging off of your vehicle. This will insure safety for your vehicle and other vehicles on the same trailer. If there happens to be any lose parts on your vehicle and they fall off during transport, unfortunately we cannot compensate you for that loss. Please make sure you double check any high risk parts on your vehicle before pick up!
Gas Levels
Drivers have to follow pretty strict guidelines as to how much weight they are allowed to carry on their trailer at one time. The less your vehicle weighs, the better. Try and keep your gas tank below a half tank of gas at the time of transport.
Following these guidelines will make sure you have the best auto transport experience possible! For more tips or questions, give us a call directly at 224-236-7989.
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